Recipe Provided by Meghan Wright
Makes 1 Serving
Macros: 329 cal, fat 9g, carbs 41g, protein 24g, fibre 5g
30g Protein Powder (Chocolate or use 1/2 Chocolate and 1/2 Salted Caramel)
35g oats
1/2 banana
15g chocolate chips
Caramel sauce from Walden Farms
Stevia to taste
Vanilla to taste
Little bit of water
Heat oven to 350 degrees.
Mix everything dry in a blender, add banana and water & Blend.
Pour half into ramekin then put half of the chocolate chips in and caramel sauce from Walden farms.
Pour the rest of the mix in and top with remaining chocolate chips.
Bake in oven at 350 degrees for 10 minutes - depending on the consistency you want.
